From Vines to Wines : The Complete Guide to Growing Grapes and Making Your Own Wine
Jeff Cox

Format: Paperback, 256pp.
ISBN: 1580171052
Publisher: Storey Books
Pub. Date: March 1999 - 3rd Edition
Dimensions (in inches): 0.62 x 9.02 x 6.01
Item No: 1580171052
Average Customer Review:


From The Publisher: Create you own backyard winery!
From breaking ground to savoring the finished product, Jeff Cox's From Vines to Wines is the most complete and up-to-date guide to growing flawless grapes and making extraordinary wine.
Wine connoisseurs, gardeners, and home winemakers will find the latest techniques in this fully revised and updated edition. With thorough, illustrated instructions, you'll learn how to:- Choose and prepare a vineyard site
- Construct sturdy and effective trellising systems
- Plant, prune, and harvest the perfect grapes for your climate
- Press, ferment, age and bottle your own wine
- Judge wine for clarity, color, aroma, body, and taste
 Reviews "I would recommend this to home winemakers, new vineyardists, and
anyone with an appreciation for wine."
—Hermann Wiemer, Hermann J. Wiemer Vineyard, Inc.

About the Author Freelance author and journalist Jeff Cox is a contributing editor to Organic Gardening magazine, The Wine News, and is the host of "Grow It!" on the Home & Garden Television Network. He has written 13 gardening books, including the Storey title, From Vines to Wines, as well as Seasonal Celebrations, The Perennial Garden (with his wife, Marilyn Cox), The Spirit of Gardening, and Flowers For All Seasons. Jeff is a member of the Author's Guild of America, Garden Writers' Association of America, and the San Francisco Professional Food Society. He lives in Kenwood, California.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments Introduction Making Wine Part 1: Selecting the Vines The Context of Winemaking The Origin of Classic Wine Grapes A Self-Education in Wine Climate and Geography Affect Choice of Wines Identifying Wine-Growing Areas Part 2: Growing the Grapes Parts of the Grapevine Choosing a Vineyard Size and Site Finding a Favorable Site Vineyard Soil and Grape Quality Other Site Considerations Grape Trellises Hardware for Constructing a Trellis Construction Directions Ordering and Planting Grapestock Managing Vineyard Rows and Aisles How to Prune Grapes Grapevine Pruning Illustrated Cluster Thinning Trellis Systems Illustrated Pest Control Strategies Fertilization Tending Grape Crops Determining Ripeness Harvesting Botrytized Grapes Weather as a Harvest Factor Harvesting Part 3: Making the Wine Making Consistently Fine Wine The Primary Fermentation The Secondary Fermentation Further Racking and Aging Wine Disorders Filtering Fining Blending Final Measurements Before Bottling Bottling Corking Labeling Cellaring the Wine Wine Accoutrements Sensory Evaluation of Wine Appendix 1. The Home Winemaker's Record Book Appendix 2. For More Information Appendix 3. Sources of Supplies Appendix 4. Sources for Grapevines Appendix 5. Grape Pests and Their Controls Index |

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